Heading off to university can be a daunting and mind-altering experience. Everything is all so new, and you are so far from home in a place where – more often than not – you have no idea where to start.
Without parents and long-term pals to pull you through your first taste of real adult life, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Figuring it out starts with exploring and understanding the city, continues with taking the pressure off, and ends with looking after yourself (and unfortunately, your bank account) is the key.
I just started my fourth year of studying in Manchester and I can honestly say they have been the best years of my life, but here are 13 things that would have been hugely helpful if I knew them before I started.
1. Get a bus pass!
Manchester has an extensive network of public transport, and you are going to have to use it. You will spend more time travelling to and from lectures some days than you do in them, and it gets expensive. It may seem like a lot to spend in one go, but you will save a lot of money if you just bite the bullet and get a bus pass at the beginning of the year. | Submit
2. There’s more than just the city centre, branch out!
The centre has a lot to offer and because of that it’s become a bit of a safe shout for students who don’t quite know the city. Try Ancoats and Salford Quays and find some cool, independent bars and restaurants that let you see another side of Manchester. | Manchester World
3. Afflecks Palace
Nestled away in the Northern Quarter is a self-proclaimed ‘emporium of eclecticism’ and while it may be easy to head to the Arndale, Afflecks is a bustling collection of independent shops and stalls that I was over the moon to find. If you like things that are a bit unique you will love shopping here, and you’ll be supporting local businesses while you do. | LTV
4. Discounts
Manchester businesses know their clientele, and that the city has one of the largest student populations in Europe so don’t be afraid to ask if they do a student discount – they probably do. If not a student discount, a lot of establishments in the city have deals on food and drink that are definitely worth checking out before you choose where to dine. | Getty